lunedì 23 aprile 2012

Colline Modenesi (Modena Hills) with my Personal Touch!

Welcome in My Own Italy again, my friends!
I'm about to introduce you to a place with soft, evocative and intense flavors: Hills of Modena, in Emilia Romagna region.
Modena Hills: Rosola (MO)

Tigelle with Prosciutto Crudo
I wish to lead you in the land of good food: prosciutto, the tigelle and the fried savory dough
(Gnocco Fritto), tortellini (Tortellini), good wine and the best known cheese world, Parmigiano Reggiano.

Parmigiano Reggiano... So good!
The land of the best welcome, of the friendliness and hospitality. 

I would like to take you on a journey troughout not so famous places, but very special indeed, rich in tradition and taste.

Follow me:!
Are you ready?
Ok, please follow me... on the next pages: Shopping, Where to eat and...but before, take a look to Vignola Fortress  :-)

Vignola Fortress (Modena, Italy)

This is me at Vignola Fortress: Welcome!
Vignola is a medieval city overlooking the river Panaro.
You can see, right in the center of the city, the Fortress (Vignola Fortress), whose construction began even before the year AD one thousand, and that was the site of their own on a spur of rock.

Around the fourteenth century the castle was burned down, then became a very important property of the D'Este italian family.
Towards the end of the eighteenth century, the fortress became the property of the French, who had invaded the territory.
Be part owned by the city of Modena after several years, and in recent sixties a careful and expensive restoration work has begun.

When you reach the top, you can walk the round walkaways: they made possible the surveillance along the Fortress perimeter.

The Walkaways in the Tower
From the top of the main tower you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the hills and the River Panaro, including the town of Vignola: really great!
My Personal Touch from the main Tower of Vignola Fortress

The Leopard Room
I think you'll be pleased to know that the entrance to the Fortress is free: one more reason not to miss the must-see!

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